Running Tea Estate in MIRIK, Darjeeling , Own Crop(Kgs): 2019-20 61081
2020-21 70322
2021-22 70424
2022-23 68710
AverageCropfor4years(Kgs in lacs) 67634
Sale Price(Rs./Kg)
Ave. Sale Price (Rs./Kg): 2022-23
Cost of Production(Rs./Kg): 2022-23
Grant Area Hec 320.60
AreaUnderTea Hec 169.49
Age wise Constitution
Under30years Hec 61.29
30-60years " 53.85
60+years " 54.35
Total " 169.49
District Mirik , Darjeeling
Location Tea Estate. 6 km from
Mirik Town.
Detail of Workforce:
Perm Labour Nos 390
Sub Staff 20
Perm. Staff " 6
Perm. Artisans " 4
Total Permanent Employee " 428
Detail of Houses: Nos
Bungalows " 3
Staff Houses " 6
Labour Houses " 281
List of machinery (Major)
Withering Troughs 32
Rolling Table 1
Mini roller 3
ECP Drier 2
GenSet-70KVA 1
DG Set-(63KVA)
Irrigation set (40ha) 1
List of Vehicles
Bolero jeep 1
Bolero Pick Up 1
Bolero Camper 1
Motor Cycle 1